Hanging out with guy friends?


Below is part of a conversation I had with my boyfriend tonight. ‘I’ and ‘J’ were two of his guy friends when we first started dating and now 3 years later have become great friends of mine too.

My boyfriend has recently become a long distance trucker which takes him away from home for almost two weeks at a time. I’ve been working on trying go out more and do more socializing to prevent holing myself up while he’s gone, so I’m starting with people I feel comfortable with, which would be our mutual guy friends since I have really no female friends I feel entirely comfortable with yet. I’ve always gotten along with guys so much easier and I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to socializing.

He made a comment about how I would feel if he went hiking with two girls. He doesn’t have any female friends, so my first picture was him going hiking with two random chicks I didn’t know at all, which obviously made me feel uncomfortable and I knew it was something I wouldn’t want him to do.

It seems like he realized quickly that it was a little unfair to say that considering the scenarios are very different, but I’m worried he is still uncomfortable with it and just hiding it so he won’t make me feel guilty.

Thoughts? Is it okay for me to go hiking with these two guys or should I just stay home and make plans with a family member instead?

*note we did talk about this further and he assured me he’s okay with it, but I want to hear your thoughts/experiences*