I feel bad for cutting off someone toxic

So I need some advice.. basically I’m 27 weeks pregnant. my sister who I’ve been close to my whole life has been harassing me my entire pregnancy. she’s said a lot of very cruel things and I’ll list a few

-She said just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean she won’t “bitch slap the fuck out of me”

-she’ll call cps if my boyfriend doesn’t quit smoking and if I don’t get rid of my dog (he’s big but very careful around me, boyfriend only smokes outside never around me)

-she called me ugly and said no one wants me around because i didn’t let her use my phone while hers was charging

-she said my boyfriend will leave me and then she’ll laugh in my face

-she said my baby will be starving by the time he’s 2 weeks old

-she said that I’m pathetic for wanting to get food stamps

I think you get the idea. These are the ones that i remember the most but this type of harassment has gone on for the last 7 months from the day I told her. I’m young and trying to get through this and she’s made it very very stressful for me. I decided to cut her out of my life. I told her I wouldn’t let her around me or my kid and if she wanted to see him then I wouldn’t let her unless she chooses to shape up.

and to that she responded “idc I hate kids and I’ll hate your bastard child too”

I think I’ve done the right think but at the same time I feel guilty. we’ve been close for so long but I can’t put up with this anymore, not when I have a small innocent child to take care of and to protect. I don’t want him to learn her behavior. Has anyone been through a similar situation? How do you feel better about cutting off someone who you’re close to, but you know they’re not good for you? thanks.. sorry for the rant