Leaving obligatory childhood friendship & looking for advice

Hi Glowmies,

I posted previously on here when I was pregnant about my childhood friend who I've known for 30 years (give or take) , and whether I should 'break up' with her.

I'm back and looking for more advice ! Previously, everyone said to let it fade, not have a heart to heart talk with her, and to just focus on my husband and child .

So, I did that and I felt like I did it successfully . I changed my thoughts of her being a best friend to a friend and stopped worrying about our friendship status.

Well, it was good advice because two weeks after making that post she commented on social media about how proud she was we had been friends so long. ....Made me feel bad for thinking we couldn't be friends anymore, but good that I didn't say anything to her !

We had our baby and everything went well, but then it was time to visit with family and friends, and my stomach churned at the thought of meeting up with her . I wasn't excited to show her our baby, because once again I was worried that she wouldn't be happy for us.

I asked my husband if we should meet, and he just said to do what I felt was right for me. So, I invited them to lunch this time , just limiting our time to a couple of hours.

Once again, her and her mother weren't so enthusiastic about seeing us, and even though I liked seeing them, to be honest I didn't feel so enthusiastic either.

After our vacation we returned home, and my friend sent a private message saying she was sorry that she wasn't in such a happy mood because of a broken heart . She didn't explain further , and just said she hoped I never had to experience that. ( just a side note - she messaged me on her own will , I never asked or messaged her about it ) . I sent her a message back telling her I was there if she needed to talk, but never got a response.

So, I continued on with my life .

And now here I am again wondering if this is an obligatory friendship ( for her and maybe me too ? ). I've just realized that we are different people than before. Our lives have taken very different directions, and I don't think I'm the type of friend she needs. We're friends on social media , because of our history . But history alone doesn't make a friendship. She's never in contact with me, and I really feel like I don't know her at all even with the things she posts. Her postings make me realize I'm not a part of her life at all , and that I know nothing about her. I didn't even know she had a boyfriend the last time we met !!

I really need advice about what to do with this friendship. I really feel like I should ask her if she just feels like she needs to stay in contact with me ( like a business associate, lol ). I want to tell her it's okay to let go, but the problem is that I honestly honestly don't know how she feels or what she thinks.

I'm sure the Glowmies ( and my husband ) will just say to let the friendship go quietly , but it's so hard for me to do.

Thank you 😊