normal to still have PPD at 11 months old? :/

I love my baby of course. I'm just feeling a little like I cant stand her right now:( I feel so guilty for it and for feeling angry, but i'm struggling. she WILL NOT sleep for more that 2-3 hours and always fights me SOOOOO hard. I just want her to not want me. I want to be by myself and not have her want to just fidget around all over me and touch me and need me constantly. what frustrates me more is that she does stay with others (my inlaws) and shes the perfect child and then when we bring her home, I have so much trouble with her and I feel so bad about it :( why cant I do a good job with her too. im doing the same things :( I've had to have some work done to my leg/foot/ankle and havent started really walking again yet so that makes it a lot harder. so I cant chase her down and keep her out of things but of course she doesn't listen if I tell her to stay out or stay where o can watch her. I just find myself being sooooo angry 😞 I see all the people around me with babies of similar age and everyone seems so happy being a mother, and I just seem to be having nothing but trouble:( I feel like I'm terrible at being a mom but I am and I'm trying so hard to just be good at it:(