Be joyful!


Romans 12:12- be joyful in hope, patient in affliction,and faithful in prayer.

Ok ladies we all know this can sometimes be a hard one. Especially when your heart’s desire is to be pregnant with a precious baby and you just keep getting negatives month after month. It’s difficult for us to be joyful, and hope, what is that, we have lost that. Sometimes it’s even hard to stay faithful in prayer as we get discouraged and grow angry with God. That’s right I said it, angry with God, we have all been there. However in those times we need to remember his scriptures and his promises. The lord wants us to call upon him, he wants us to put our hope and trust in him. He wants us to remember he is always right here walking this lonely road woth is and even carrying us when we get weak. Sometimes in our trials it draws us closer to him. I can personally say that struggling to conceive has strengthened my relationship with the lord and my faith. Not in the beginning, but the moment I gave it all to him and started studying his scriptures and promises he filled me with such joy and hope! And trust me those feelings feel way better than anger,depression,hopelessness, envy etc. you see the lord wants us to be faithful and patient while we wait for our request to be answered. He wants a relationship with us! The Bible also says the enemy (the devil) comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Don’t let him steal your joy, don’t let him kill your hope, and do not let him destroy your faithfulness in God and his mighty works! After all one of his promises in John 15:7 says “ if you remain in me, and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.” I want to encourage each lady out there ttc to remember these verses and apply them to your every day. If you struggle, that’s ok. Ask the lord to help you, to fill you with joy and hope, and to take those negative feelings away. This is exactly what I had to do to get to where I am today and it wasn’t easy by any means. I want us all to be full of hope and joy as we walk this trial! I want everyone to know God hears your prayer and he will take care of you! All of you sweet ladies are in my prayers!