Did he change his mind? (Description)

This is about to sound all high school but I’m an adult lol...

About 3 weeks ago I met someone at work, we will call him John.

I only work 3 days a week and ever since we first met (he’s a coworker) he always mentions if he hasn’t seen me in a while or says stuff like “I’m glad it’s Sunday again so I can see you”.

Well last night (we work overnights) he took his break early and spent an hour talking to me in the break room. At the end he finally asked for my number and I wrote it down.

When I passed him 2 hours later he said “will you be upset if I text you?” And I of course said no (but tried not to look desperate which I think may have made me look uninterested).

Well he still hasn’t texted me and I’m not sure if maybe I made him think I was uninterested, he lost my number, is doing that ridiculous “waiting game”. Idk but I figured if he was as interested as I thought maybe he would have texted me today....

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