My abusive baby daddy

So my baby father just became OVER the top abusive!!! He’s always been controlling but he has gone insane. He has relapsed and he’s obsessed with me!!! He stocks me and he texts me and calls me all day. I feel like I’m being grabbed by the throat!! I recently grabbed my kids and left without anything. But I still can not get him off my back. He uses things against me to make me answer him. For example if he’s sitting outside he wants me to go out there and I don’t he starts threatening me that he’s going to put sugar In mine and my parents cars. I know CALL THE COPS GET A RESTRAINING ORDEr. I want to do bad trust me. He’s on felony probation and he’ll be gone. Oh have I mentioned I’m 35 weeks pregnant with his child.? THE ONLY REASON I don’t call the cops and get a restraining order on him is bec he has threatened to take out baby from me.... he has his medical cannabis card and smokes legally. Well he used to get my edibles and oils for my back and nausea. After researching it, I’ve learned some Drs recommendation it so I took some Nd didn’t think nothing of it. Well now that all this is going on he’s threatening me that he’s gonna get me drug tested when I go into labor and he’s gonna take the baby if I don’t comply and get back with him. WHICH I DONT EVER WANT TO. I’m so scared I literally fear for my life and I feel soooo stupid for ever accepting those edibles and stuff 😓😓😓 idk what to do I can’t ask for him or else he’s going to tell on me and I can’t lose my baby. ☹️☹️☹️ he’s so crazy idk what to do