Birth control & pregnancy


Hi ladies! My partner & I recently suffered a miscarriage in June, more than likely due to my birth control. I stopped taking it in May, found out that I was pregnant in June but I only made it to 6 weeks & ended up miscarrying. I hadn't taken any since then,& we had sex on my o day last month (June 23). In between o & aunt flo, which came July 6, we continued to have sex. I bled a little longer this time, I usually have a 3 day cycle but after the 3rd day I spotted for 2 days. Never it happen. As soon as the spotting stopped, we went back to intercourse. Today is cycle day 14 im not sure if im ovulating, have ovulated, or will tomorrow when it says I should. Im extremely crampy & emotional, let alone breasts slightly sore & getting hot flashes here & there. We had sex 3 times last week & on Tuesday this week (CD12) & now I am feeling like this. Sorry so long! Any insights?