IVF pregnancy and husband having issues connecting

So after 4 years of struggling through infertility. Countless IUIs and finally a round of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and FET I can say we are pregnant! Just hit 15 weeks today. It has been a very long journey and especially hard on our marriage.

Here is the issue. My husband says he doesn’t feel connected to this baby because it wasn’t “made” by us. It is still his sperm and my egg but because we didn’t have sex to create it that he feels he isn’t part of the process. This has caused even more hardship on our marriage because he keeps saying he feels nothing for this baby that is still both of ours. He says I get to feel pregnant but he isn’t part of anything.

I know many men have a hard time connecting with a pregnancy because the woman goes through the changes and they just watch, but has anyone else dealt with issues like this. It is breaking my heart after dealing with this struggle to have him reacting like this. I feel like I haven’t even gotten to be happy about this pregnancy because of his feelings.