I might have to take oral antibiotics and I'm so frustrated
Sorry I just need to rant, I'm so exhausted and emotional. ☹️
I've been sick non-stop for over a month, my almost 6 month old will catch something from daycare and I will get it, then my husband, then me again. Well after the first round I got an outer ear infection and opted for topical antibiotic drops instead of oral just to be safe. Well I feel better but I still can't hear out of that ear. Went back for a follow-up and apparently my canal is really swollen and the infection is not gone. I was told my best option is to take oral antibiotics and I would have to pump and dump for 11 days, no nursing period. I can't stop crying because we both love nursing, my LO gets bottles at daycare so we don't get to do it much. I have a stash and those 11 days would probably use a lot of it (maybe most of it), but I hate pumping as it is - I pump 4 times a day just to make the 3 6 oz bottles she gets at daycare so I'm worried about my supply dropping during that time. The doctor prescribed another topical and she said I could schedule with EENT to have them really clean out my ear and maybe the drops would stand a fighting chance, so I have an appointment on Monday for that. No this is not the absolute worst thing that could happen, I have a good stash, but I'm so sad and I don't want to risk my milk supply. Plus I'm on my period (on top of being sick) so there's already a drop and pumping to prepare is not very likely. Daycare usually has to pull an ounce or two from the freezer every day during shark week because I'm always a little short. Any words of encouragement or similar stories would be appreciated. I'm also really stressed out at work and carrying extra weight, dealing with micro managers, a bunch of crap that I don't want to deal with and I just want a break! And to hear out of my damn ear! Sorry for the rant everyone. 😢 I'm so grumpy. And I love my baby so much.
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.