She will not take a bottle/formula.

So my baby has been breastfed and gone to daycare and had breastmilk. Then we did half breastmilk half formula and she took that. Then she did take just formula. She got sick and refused a bottle (after she had been taking one from me) because she was sick I didn’t battle it because I need her to eat & she would only nurse.

Now school is about to start up (I’m a teacher) and I’ve got to get her weaned from me during the day so my boobs know to cool it on milk production because I just cannot pump.

She is absolutely refusing formula. I took her to daycare and she drank maybe one ounce all day. She is eating some solids while she’s there.

I tried again today and it’s an hour plus of her screaming because she won’t take the formula. I did go out and buy different bottles but I really don’t think that’s it because she took them fine before. Oh and she she does finally take it I have to face her away from me and we have to walk around. But she is being so stubborn and refusing. I’m worried about her not eating at daycare.

Any tips?