Iui #3 advice


So after 2 unmedicated and poorly timed iuis, and a 2 month break, we are trying again! My cycle started today, so we paid and scheduled our cd 12 ultrasound. This time, I’m taking 50 mg Clomid days 3-7, and Ovidrel injection based on the results from the monitoring ultrasound.

My husband has retrograde ejaculation, where most of his sperm travels backward into his bladder. So they make him drink tons of water and baking soda to make his urine alkaline, and wash the sperm from his urine. He was able to give 14 million and 44 million motile sperm on the last two iuis, which was great.

No issues on my end except my cycles are a little longer (around 35 days). Blood work and ultrasounds have shown that I ovulate. We’re doing Clomid and Monitoring and trigger shot this time to get the timing just right.

So basically, our infertility for the past 2 years is due to the sperm not being able to be delivered to the egg. Do you think we have good odds with this protocol? How have Clomid and Ovidrel affected you?

We plan on doing as many iuis as necessary because it’s just a “delivery problem”.