Dog bite help

My dog is small about 40 lbs. we were going for a walk and my husband had her and this lady stopped and came up to me and touched my belly and was like I need to ask when are you due? My dog didn’t like her touching me apparently and bit her.

My dog did draw blood, and this lady has a mark, I started crying and kept apologizing while my husband disciplined the dog. She kept saying it was ok, and asked if she needed to worry I told her no she’s up to date on everything and has her rabies. She kept saying it’s ok.

I started crying hysterically Bc this dog is also my baby, she’s great with kids Bc I babysit and new kids come in all the time and she loves them. So I don’t wanna hear opinions or advice on that right now.

Has anyone else’s dog bit someone and drew blood? WhT was the outcome? WhAt actions did you take? Idk what to do and I’m freaking out.

My husband grabbed our rabies paperwork and went to go catch up to the lady.

Thanks ladies, my husband caught up with her and she had received bad news about her son, that’s why she came up to me I think just Bc hearing about a baby usually makes people happy. She understands the dog was just trying to protect her mama. She was very nice and understanding, we’re going to talk to her again today and see how she’s doing. I think I’m just scared Bc you’re supposed to report a dog bite and I just don’t know what’s gonna happen to my dog or what the process for that is. I’ve talked to my mom about it and we’re gonna take her to the vet Bc we also don’t want any problems with our baby, we know she wont hurt the baby but we’re more worried that if people come over to see the baby she’s gonna get protective over Him. This is very unlike her so we’re just so in shock.