My landlords say this isn’t an issue...

Lauren • 👼🏼💜👦🏼💙🌈👶🏼💙

Apartment #1

First apartment I lived in, I notice black mold so they tiled over it.. that’s it. This is under where they tiled 1 year later..

Apartment #2

I moved upstairs thinking I wouldn’t have to worry about mold because they completely redid the inside when the previous tenants moved out.. I noticed this in the winter and they told me to just bleach it because it was just surface mold from the condensation.. ok, I trust them so that’s what I do 🤦🏼‍♀️

I found out I was pregnant in April with baby #2 so I rearranged my room to prepare for the new baby and have room to store stuff until he arrived... this was my box spring

Told the landlords for the third time that they have a problem so they come check it out and go upstairs to check the attic/old apartment above me and assured me their was absolutely no sign of mold up there and it was just surface mold from the condensation. At this point I have serious migraines but chalked it up to being pregnant and I’ve always had migraines but not like this and not so often. They would sometimes last for 5 days at a time and I had at least 1 a week. They also assured me that they redid the entire inside of the apartment so I would only have to worry about lead if their was chipped paint and I would just need to repaint it. I did a lead test on one of the window sills with no chipped paint and it came back in the red-460! So we obviously couldn’t take their word for anything so my fiancé went up in the attic where their “is absolutely no sign of mold” and this is what he found


So after over a year of migraines and my 3yo having dr appointment after dr appointment, tests up the ying yang, and so much suffering we have refused to pay our landlords and are waiting to hear back about another apartment far away from this death trap 😬😬😬