Decided against a gender reveal party.

Chelsey • 27, Happily Married, Baby Boy born 12.13.18 👶🏻💙

Went for our anatomy sonogram today at 18 weeks 4 days aaaaand


We decided not to do a gender reveal party because they are waaaaay over done in our neck of the woods. Settled for a sentimental announcement on instagram. (I don’t have Facebook)

Of course, my mother in law had to ruin it by posting on Facebook before we got the chance to post or to tell everyone we wanted first, but I’m pretty certain her life goal is to suck the joy out of everything that excites me and make me miserable.. So just another day in the life.

Thankfully I have two and my father in laws second wife is a SAINT!

Very excited for our sons arrival this December! 👶🏻💙🍼