Ovulation after miscarriage

Paige • 👼🏼👧🏼👼🏼👼🏼🙎🏼‍♂️👶🏼
I had a MC June 2 and 28 days later to the T AF started June 30.  It lasted 8 days which is 2 days longer then normal but, I wasn't terribly concerned.  And even though my husband and I are going to wait till Aug/Sept to start trying I wanted to make sure everything was on track so I was taking the Clear Blue OPK and I should've ovulated the 15th and I still haven't a but, I have had 6 days of High Fertility.  So I called the Dr just to ask and she said for sure she didn't want us trying yet and to not take those tests right now bc they are stressing me out. So I'm just wondering if this happened to anyone else and if they straightened out w/in a month or so.  I've always been VERY regular.