Decreased fetal movement. 36 weeks tomorrow.


Today ive noticed son hasmt moved alot lately. He is usually very active! Especially when im lying down. Earlier i was really busy running errands. I took my 3 yr old to get her physical for Pre-K, then went to get a new copy of her birth certificate because i misplaced the original one. Then went to the board of education to get her enrolled. So i wasnt paying much attention to his movements. When i got home around 2pm i layed down and noticed he wasnt moving much. I ate, drank some water, and monitored him for about 30min with no noticeable movement, then i fell asleep, woke up around 4:30 still didnt notice any movement. I started poking at my tummy still no movement. So i drank more water, i was really tired so i fell asleep again, woke up around 7pm and finally felt some flutters. Since then i have taken a shower, drunk more water now im laying down monitoring his movements again. I feel him and all but not like i usually do. His kicks usually hurt and wakes me from my sleep. Just wondering if i should go to L&D; or give it some more time. I should also mention that tuesday morning, i woke up to wet panties (not soaked though) and i thought maybe urine leaked out as i was sleeping, because thats what it smelled like, urine. Now im starting to wonder if it was my waters leaking. With my 2nd daughter, i had the same issue, i thought my waters broke and wasnt sure if it was water or urine. I went to L&D; and they said my waters were low but my water didnt break🙄 i had my regular ob appointment 3days afterwards and i noticed before the appointment she wasnt moving much, at my appointment i mentioned everything to my OB she did a scan and there was no fluid around her so they had to induce me. AN UPDATE!! I am being admitted. I went from 1 cm to 4cm in just a few hrs. Contractions wont stop and im on my 2nd IV. Since my contractions are changing my cervix, they are keeping me. They gave me the steroid injection, and they said they are going to transfer me to another room soon. Im also still waiting to get an ultrasound. So if u feel like something is wrong ladies, dont ignore it. Decreased fetal movement, back pain, contractions/BH regularly, anything!! Go with your 1st mind. They think son wants to show his handsome face early😔 i pray he is ok and doesnt need to stay in NICU.