Tell me what’s wrong with me!? I really just need a hug! 😞💔


So me n my husband have been trying to have a baby since may it’s now July and still no baby the first time we tried it worked the very first time the second time was unplanned but came like nothing, this time it’s not working idk what’s wrong with me y can’t I have another baby I’ve been holding in all my anxiety and depression but I can’t hold it in no more! (I know some of u lady’s have been ttc for years n r probably thinking I’m dumb for saying all this) but I find it so hard for me because I suffer from depression n anxiety n bunch of other health problems and when we decided we would have another baby it all went away I was so excited to have another baby n now I’m just so depressed cause my husband said if I get my period this month (July) then he wanna stop trying (I was supposed to start on the 17 ended up getting it today the 19) u guys I can feel my heart dropping to my stomach how depressed I am rn and I don’t think I can convince him to at least try one more month I don’t wanna eat I barley sleep I stay in bed all day I don’t wanna work I’m in such a bad mood, when I didn’t get my period on the 17 I didn’t wanna get my hopes up but even being prepared for a negative pregnancy test still hurts like hell, I can’t talk to my husband bout it cause he just tells me “it’s ok” even though it’s far from ok! He just don’t understand the frustration I feel cause I feel like something is wrong with me I feel like it’s my fault we can’t have another baby I feel like I’m doing something wrong or not doing the right things to have a baby or god is just telling me I can’t have no more babies! I feel like I just need a hug someone to tell me it’s not my fault!

I’m sorry this is so long I just have so much feelings bottled up rn!


Well it’s official he told me he don’t wanna have another baby! 💔 I can honestly say my heart is officially broken I feel so numb n I can’t even tell him how I feel I gotta suck up all my emotions n act like it don’t bother me even doe it’s eating me up inside 😞😞 every time I feel myself wanting to cry I try really hard to hold it in! I know it’s not good to hold in all my feelings but the type of person my husband is makes it so hard to talk bout my feelings cause he don’t know how to act or what to say he just comes off like an ass whole! But my heart has officially been ripped out my chest n I honestly have no one to turn to now! 💔💔 idk what ima do now!!