Can’t relate to best friend

Sarah • Married June 2017 💍 uk 🇬🇧 registered nurse 👩‍⚕️ IVF success 💉 baby boy born October 2019 💙 baby #2 due August 2022 🤰

I met up with my best friend yesterday. Her baby girl is due any day now. I just feel so sad that we can’t really relate to each other anymore. I’m obviously very happy for her and we spoke a lot about the baby and birth etc. But i found it so hard knowing that experiencing that myself is going to take a long time or (I can’t bear thinking about this) I’ll never get to experience it.

As well as me not being able to relate to her she obviously can’t relate to me. When I spoke about our fertility and what’s likely to happen all she could say was ‘at least you can have <a href="">ivf</a>’. I understand it must be hard for her to know what to say to me, but I just hoped for a bit of support from her.

Infertility is making me feel so excluded from everyone.