
Maria • Wife. Mum to Alora🐶, Cora👧🏻, Dennis🐶, and Rocket🐱

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one awake in the house while everyone is in deep sleep. I can’t get any sleep because by the time I fall asleep, my daughter is hungry or needs a diaper change followed by needing to be nursed. Sometimes I really want to just curl up in a ball and disappear. I try my hardest to be productive, but it’s just so hard. Sometimes I’ll go for a week without showering. Cora is well taken care of. Always fed, changed, showered, and dressed. But the amount of times that I find myself dirty is out of hand. My husband is the most supportive husband ever, but every time that the house looks like a mess or I forgot to get creamer, he looks at me with disappointment and that literally shatters me. I am so fragile. I can’t take criticism or even a small comment. No one told me postpartum depression would be this bad. No one told me it’d be this hard to ask for help... I also don’t want to be weak, but I know I can’t take all of this by myself. But how can I live like this? The amounts of times that I’ve canceled therapist appointments just because I couldn’t bring myself inside the building are outnumbered. I hope I get to find that strength to make it inside the building soon.