And he’s gone!

My now ex and I had a huge fight. Fights happen, but this was terrible. I am 11 wks and 1 day along in my pregnancy. It’s truly a miracle because we tried for over three years and were told medical attention may be needed to conceive. Anyway last night he proceeds to degrade me and verbally abuse me. I was called a whore and he denied paternity to our child. I didn’t know until last night 40 year old men could be classified as fuck boys but here we are...

Anyway, I packed my shit and left. I had a sono appt this morning and I half expected him to show up but he didn’t. Anyway, he missed hearing our little persons heartbeat and seeing our miracles growth. His loss. Can’t help but feel sad, but seeing my baby and hearing that amazing sound filled me with a feeling of peace. I can’t wait to meet my baby💙