can Clomid cycle delay my period

Hi lovely glow members,

please can you help me. on 2nd june 2018 i had my period for fertility doctor advise me to take Clomid cycle with regular monitoring and I did that with 100mg dose.On 14th day of my cycle they can't see any follicles grow so they took my blood work (progesterone nd estrogen) which shows that 100mg of Clomid not worked on my body...then on middle of cycle doctor advise me to start with 150mg dose of clomid...that works on 14th day (2nd july)doctor can see through ultrasound that my follicles grown and I can ovulate very soon and advise me to took home ovulation prediction test which all came negative.Now my big problem is that still today my periods not shown up and pregnancy test came negative and my blood work shows that any time period can come.but still I can't see any sign of period nd my doctor advise me to take provera so that my period can come.

Please can anybody suggest what should i can do.

It's so frustrating to wait for period.