My boyfriend won’t let me drink and I’m losing my mind

He smokes weed every day, but doesn’t let me drink. We live together. He gets angry with me and screams and fights with me if I buy beer. I’m 25, he’s 23. If it were up to me, I would drink once or twice per week, but he only lets me drink once or twice per month. I’m really losing my mind. He’s too controlling, I really need to just break up with him. I love him and I keep hoping that he’ll change but he’s not changing. Should I just leave him, why is he like this? What do I do?

UPDATE: No I don’t have a drinking problem, I just laugh a lot when I’m drunk and my words get kinda slurred and I maybe get too talkative, but I’m not an alcoholic and I don’t get mean when I do drink. Also it’s funny the comments that tell me that he’s my boyfriend and not my father, because even my dad doesn’t care when I drink, hell, my dad will open up a beer himself and have one right there with me! 🍻 but my boyfriend is a whole other story. My dad is such a cool fun laid back guy, meanwhile my boyfriend is like a controlling stepfather