I need advice about my husband

My husband and I have been in a rough situation since having to move in with my parents. our landlord kicked us out with no notice or anything so we had nowhere else to go. anyway we've been living here for a few months now, we have 2 babies already and another on the way. We haven't been the same for ahwile, seems like I could be less interesting to him. He had been playing an online game and messaging some girl offline to give messages to some other girl in the game that it seemed like he liked. things like "I miss you too" "tell her I love her too" etc. then he went back on the game and private chatted with the girl he liked..

found messages of her sexting him!.He said he never said anything back to her and that it was all an act for the game..who tells someone they love them because of in the game they are mates?! Anywaym

tonight he got mad at me and yelled at me and mocked me all because he wanted to go drop a friend off in Jax which is an hour away. I just wanted him to take one of the kids because I felt really bad today and needed help with them. He made me feel like a fool in front of my family for letting him yell at me like that. I kept telling him to lower his voice but he just yelled "stop interrupting!" We've gotten in fights like this before, and he always ends up doing what he wants anyway. I'm just done crying over him treating me badly. I forgave him for the emotional cheating on that game (which he said it wasn't cheating and that I didn't understand) but I can't keep doing this. I'm miserable and want to be happy with someone who cares and notices if I dye my hair , (which I did last night)

he was even with me when I got the dye..he didn't even say if it looked good or anything..just shows how much he cares about me or what I do to myself.