Just read , don’t know what to title this


So I’ve had a lot of things go horribly wrong in my marriage... I’ve stayed thru it all. Well after another thing happened all over again, I am just sick of my husbands shit. Is it normal to just be sick and tired of drama and unfaithful men? I’m 20 weeks pregnant and 20 years old. I am ready to settle down and start my family (hints to why the hell I said I do) yet.... I don’t think my husband is. He just doesn’t seem serious about being faithful to me, he constantly lies and is caught in a lot of lies AFTER lying!!! he of course is ALWAYS SUPER sorry he got caught😂 I just feel like I am on a whole different maturity level than him and he is 24! I just feel like I am at my ends with dealing with him, like I want to just be done , divorce bye bye! But at the same time I want to stay and see if he will change, and from past relationship experiences they never do (I know). Just fucking going crazy right now because he is my husband not my boyfriend and the father of my child.... so it’s a lot more that just leaving and breaking up. Divorce is a sin, and I am terrified of this sin! I’m so lost.... I just hate him and love him all at once, and it pisses me off😫 AND the biggest thing is I absolutely do not and never will trust him with our daughter alone, so visitation is out of the question if I was to leave. Yes there is such thing and other people being around while he is with her, but I don’t trust anyone in his family to actually watch him like I expect! So that’s another thing keeping me with him, so my daughter can have her father in her life.... with MY super vision ! He literally blames the shit he does on me ..... for not giving him blow jobs!!!!! Like wtf?! I don’t like them sorry! That doesn’t give him the right to ask chicks for naked pics or pay women to master bate on snap chat does it?! Like his mind is seriously fucked up😫 What the fuck did I get myself into! I’m such a mess.