Sip & See Baby Showers..?

Kai • Mother of a King 👶🏽 with another due in December '16
Has anyone ever had a baby shower after there baby was born ? I'm 34 weeks & money is tight so my mom has decided that she will throw me one late September after my little prince arrives (due early September). I don't know how to feel about that. Don't get me wrong I appreciate her even wanting to throw me a shower its just that I'm not to big on the idea of having my new born around all those people who of course will want to hold him & be all in his space. My mother says I'm just being paranoid but I'm a big germaphobe & as a FTM I'm sure I'll be even more cautious. Have any of you ever had a sip & see baby shower/ celebration ? If so can you tell me how successful it was.