High Risk/MFM Questions


Im not sure when to label Trigger and I don’t want to make anyone upset. My post includes premature births and a miscarriage. So please don’t keep reading if it’s gonna bother you in any way.

I’m high risk.

First pregnancy— I had my baby at 35 weeks after going into preterm labor from 28 weeks to 35 weeks. He was big enough to go home 6 lb 7 oz & he had no issues.

Second Pregnancy— I started going into preterm labor from 16 weeks to 23 weeks. My water broke at 23 weeks and I was in the hospital till 25 weeks 5 days when I had an emergency csection bc my baby put his arm through my cervix and it felt like I had a tampon in. The doctor screamed and never saw that before. He was 1 lb 12 oz. Nicu for 8 1/2 months. Had a Nissen completed and a gtube put in bc he aspirated when eating. Went home on 1/16 liter of oxygen. Had a gtube till he was 3. Grew into his enlarged aorta.

Third Pregnancy— I had a miscarriage at 4-5 weeks. My IUD embedded in my uterus and I got pregnant but miscarried the same day I found out.

Fourth Pregnancy— I started going into preterm labor at 16 weeks and it kept happening until 25 weeks when my water broke and my placenta abrupted. My cervix also started to shorten. She was 1 lb 8 oz. We were in the NICU for 13 weeks. Had PDA surgery. Was off oxygen 2 weeks before discharged. She’s not on any medicine and doesn’t have any health issues.

Fifth Pregnancy—this pregnancy— I found out I was pregnant bc of fibroid pain. I had no idea I had fibroids. I’ve had spotting and cramping at 6, 7 & 9 weeks. Baby is fine and no more cramping or bleeding. I’ve literally been in bed since 6 weeks. I don’t want to have another preemie.

So... I was never referred to a MFM—Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist. I have my first appointment at the women’s hospital Monday for an ultrasound and to meet my High Risk OB Team. My questions are— has anyone seen an MFM & how often do you see them? Has anyone had similar issues as me & the MFM helped you carry longer or prevent the same situation from repeating? Did you get put on medicine? Did you have to get frequent ultrasounds? Did you end up being hospitalized? Thanks in advance, I’m almost to 12 weeks (the safe zone) so I think it’s getting real to me.