Failed Endo Scatch


Hi ladies,

Wondering if anyone can offer any advice or has been in this situation... I start my <a href="">ivf</a> meds next week and today I was booked in for an an Endo Scratch. It was a complete disaster and they had to abandon it in the end because I was in so much pain. The nurse couldn’t get the catheter through my cervix, she said it was too far away... so then she clamped it (which hurt like hell) and tried again but the pain was excruciating! She made a few attempts and after that I said I’m sorry but I can’t carry on, it was just so bad! I had a very similar experience with my hycosy about a month ago.

I guess I feel like a bit of a failure, I don’t know whether it’s my pain threshold - which I thought was okay but must not be after this! Or it’s that my cervix is just having none of it lol. Either way, I felt like an exception to the rule as most women I’m told manage this no problem.

I’m also worried that this means I’m going to struggle with the ET as again, it involves a catheter.

Is there anyone who has experienced anything similar? And how did u manage to get past it?