Birth plan

Jess • 31yo, pregnant with first child, due October 2018!

So I have been stressing out recently about what the obstetricians plans are for me.

I am super plus size, with a number of high risk factors. I have had a good pregnancy with no complications.

I went into my appointment on Thursday with questions, whether they’d induce me, or let me go to term, or labour naturally. Hubby was with me, and was quite anxious.

They told me I would be induced, which I was ok with. Hubby had some concerns, about my ability to labour naturally (due to my size, and the information received during birth and parenting classes) he asked about c-sections. The midwife shot him down, and said basically they’d much prefer vaginal birth.

The appointment continued, she had to duck out into the main area to get a fetal Doppler. Midwife came back, and advised she’d spoken to the obstetrician.

The obstetrician had passed on to let me know I will be having a planned c-section, due to my risk factors.

I was in shock, she’d just told me the likelihood was tiny, then came in and offered it!

I am nervous about the recovery time, and how bad it will be, but on the plus side, I will have an exact date, and won’t end up with an emergency one, if I can’t labour.