FIL is ruining my marriage!!!

****Long post!!!

Been married for 5yrs, but been together for 11yrs. We have a 2yr old son and I’m 3 months pregnant with #2.

The day after our wedding I was using my husbands iPad to check some emails about the last payments fir the wedding etc... I came across an email from my FIL to my new husband that was sent a couple of days prior the wedding. The heading of the email was typed in bold capital letter ‘Extremely personal’.

So I started reading the attached 4 page word document. It all boils down to the point where my FIL does not think I am a suitable match for his son, that we should not get married and that he is afraid that I am <a href="">Eve</a> (from the Bible) that will lead his son into damnation (FIL’s words).

The 5yrs that we were dating, we (myself and FIL) didn’t have one single fight, wrong spoken this email came as a huge surprise.

For the first 2yrs of our marriage I held my mouth shut, until the second Christmas that they came to visit. I can’t exactly remember what ignited the argument, but I ended up leaving my house Christmas morning at 6am. I made a 4hour drive on Christmas day to my family. I ended up staying with my family for the duration of my in-laws holiday at my house. Long story short about the argument - I brought up ‘the email’, my husband took my FIL’s side. Said I was wrong for reading his emails, it was a personal email between a father and his son. FIL did not see anything wrong with the email. He actually told me that I should know my place and act like the rest of the women in the family...

Anyway...since that argument I have seen my in-laws maybe 3 times since then. When our son was born, his christening and just before we moved abroad.

THE PROBLEM husband feels that I am keeping him away from his father and that I am keeping our son away from his grandfather. I have set some boundaries regarding my in-laws and my house, seeing that I had to flee my house previously. They can come visit, see their son and grandson, I don’t mind, BUT they do not stay over in my house. So this boundary has been in place since ‘that’ Christmas, BUT NOW HE IS TAKING HIS DAD ON A 5 DAY TRIP TO LONDON, BUSINESS CLASS TICKETS AND A VIP TOUR OF THE ASTON MARTIN FACTORY......And I am PISSED OFF AS HELL!!!! Yes I’m jealous and yes i am angry!!! Do you blame me?

So we did not even have a discussion about this, he just asks me yesterday day to choose a date of three possible dates. I ask where are we going? ‘Nope, me and my dad are going’, ended up being a huge argument where he stated that he never gets to see his father, he should not be placed in a position to choose sides and that i should deal with it, because its his dad. You need to understand that we rarely argue, but when we do argue or have a fight, his father is in the middle of it.

I am angry, i am sad...and I am heartbroken, because once again he is choosing his father over me and our family.

Any advice??? Because I think i am ready to walk out of the door with our son and call this marriage quits.