Extreme eczema remedies?

My 3 year old daughter has had a case of extreme eczema ever since she was born. She’s mixed but has big patches of white all over her body as if her body couldn’t decide what color her skin tone would be. Her elbows, knees, back of the neck, and wrist have it the worst since she scratches those places the most til they bleed. Her pediatrician prescribed her some medicated cream with steroids but being that it was only a temporary relief I stopped giving it to her to keep her from getting addicted to the steroids and to prevent her body from no longer receiving the steroids from prolonged use (if that makes sense).

I’ve tried everything...rubbing her down in Vaseline, Aquafor/Eucerin products. I’ve given her oatmeal and sea salt baths. I’ve tried mild soaps, soaps with no fragrance, and Black African Soaps. Nothing works permanently. Everything is a temporary relief then she’s right back scratching til she bleeds. I also make her drink lots of water and try to limit juices and sweets to one a day.

I’ve called several dermatologist as a last resort but none will accept her insurance (PeachCare for Kids). I would have to pay out of pocket which I can’t afford being that I’m having to pay out of pocket for my doctor visits as I am expecting again... (And yes I have insurance but a crappy one that my job offers and only covers 20% of my doctor bills). Any advice? Remedies? Cures?