The Handmaid's Tale (Margaret Atwood) - September 13


This is one of my favorite books, and I get a little something more out of it each time I read it. It is a dystopia about how religion can be used to justify anything, particularly patriarchy. This will be my fifth read through (I think). It is a fairly easy read, listed at approximately 5 1/2 hours reading time. There are 46 chapters in 15 named and numbered sections, plus a section entitled Historical Notes.

The religious references are mostly Abrahamic; feel free to ask about them if you're unfamiliar. Read the quotes at the beginning; they help set the tone. In chapter 16, there is a rape scene. Some people don't consider it that serious, but it's sex no one is enjoying or really wants. Becoming and staying pregnant are also central to the plot. Let me know if you remember or come across anything else that may be triggering.

Since there are a couple books already going and many of us read multiple books at once, I gave us 6 weeks from now until discussion starts. This also gives time to get it from the library or order online and receive it.

As seen previously, let's minimize spoilers by putting chapter numbers or section headings in the main message and more details in the replies.