My FTM birth story


I have been on this app since the day I found out I was pregnant! I loved reading everyones birth story! Now it’s my turn!

I started having very light contractions May 7th when I got home from work around 5ish. So I continued to bounce on my ball and walk up and down my lane! They were coming and going but I definitely felt they were getting stronger. So I cleaned the house and the garage to keep things moving along. I told my husband and he downloaded a contraction timer on my phone and we started keeping track. They weren’t very consistent so I wasn’t to worried. I then did some laundry. Around 11pm I thought ok these are getting stronger and more often! I was getting so excited and super nervous! Now I have always read about women going to the hospital and being sent home bc they weren’t far enough along so I really was wanting to wait things out. So we decide to go to bed. My husband somehow passes out 😴 done! I slept in and out threw the contractions. Around 2am I got up bc the pain was getting worse. I started walking around my house( butt as naked 😂) to make sure this was real and they didn’t go away! I think I walked for 30 minuets or so! I couldn’t stop feeling like i had to pee! It was no joke like every 3-4 minuets I would go pee! Well this time when I went their was blood! Scared the shit outta me! And I had already lost my mucus plug almost 2 weeks prior. So I called my mom! She said call the doctor! So I called my doctor and he said to come in and we will check ya out. Well in my head I’m still thinking I really really don’t want to get sent home! So i get in the shower! By the time i get out my mom gets to my house( she had to take me and hubby bc he broke his leg and was on crutches) she started timing my contractions. I was starving so I grab a bowl of cereal and as I’m eating my mom was like did you just have another contraction!? I was like oh yeah! She said uh their 3 minuets apart we need to go! So we get to the hospital and I’m at a 3 and get admitted to a room! Wooohooo I was pumped! I made it all the way to a 6 before I got the epidural, and thank god I got it when i did! Got the epidural and took a little nap! Much needed! I progressed pretty quickly to a 9! Then before I new it I was pushing! I pushed for about 25-30 minutes and my baby boy was here. On his due date! 8pd 9oz! The doctors couldn’t believe that I had him on his due date! Everything went so smoothly I couldnt have asked for a better labor! We were out of the hospital the next day! Everyone meet my precious baby boy Easton Cole 😍💙