i guess its my turn?!


so i was currently 34 weeks. went for a routine check up in the morning with my doctor. everything went great. i also had a ultrasound later that day. went great. baby a's head was extremely low so they did a vaginal ultrasound. come to find out after an hour and a half laying there they thought i was dialiated at 4 cm. (and i asked my dr that morning to check me, she did not). so they move me up to labor and delivery to see if i was in active labor or what they could do to keep them in longer. lets say about an hour and some they say im staying in the hospital because i was 5 cm. they do their best to stop labor since i was 34 weeks, but babies had another plan. about 1 am my water for one baby broke. contractions picked up immediately. they gave me an epidural, but it didnt kick in fast enough. i didnt feel the contractions anymore but i felt everything else. ring of fire bitches.

they tell me to wait until i am in the OR to push and that place was cold. i had really bad shakes and they got extremely worse. so baby a was coming out. and that fucking hurt. killed. i literally felt like i couldnt do it. but my husband and the amazing hospital staff got me through it and baby a was born at 2:11 am, 4 pounds and 3oz. no complications either.

then at 2:31 baby b was born. 3 pounds and 14 oz! he needed help with oxygen but an hour later hes breathing on his own!

now both babies are doing great. right now they say about a month in the hospital but that could change anytime. i have no worries for my boys. i know they are strong like this mama and dad.