First time getting IUD


My first time taking birth control was this year and I was on the patch. I didn’t really like it do I talked to my OB about a different birth control and he recommended an IUD from Mirena. With the patch I was spotting for a good 2 or 3 weeks then my period would come plus I would get random cramps that were unbearable. Ugh, I hated the patch so much but now I’ve been reading about Mirena and all the problems people have with it. I have an appointment in 2 weeks to get it inserted. Are there any advantages or disadvantages that people have had with it. I also got a lot of mood swings with the patch so I hope I don’t get the same mood swings on Mirena. I just want to know from people’s own experiences.

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I love my iud. It is a low dose of hormones. I rarely get cramps and my periods are very light and only last a couple of days. My only complaint is that it was very painful when it got put it. It is definitely the best option for me but that may not be the case for everyone


Posted at
It might be a good idea to get the paraguard iud from the sounds of it. It sounds like birth control hormones don’t react super well with your body, and it would suck to go through getting the procedure done and paying for it only to find out that the mirenas hormones don’t work with you either. The paraguard iud has no hormones at all. It just allows tour body to do its natural thing- so there’s nothing to mess with you.


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My only plus is I never got pregnant in the 17months of being on it. I do have sudden mood swings here n there, my periods r longer, I feel ovulation pains, n my cramps r a bit stronger


JustAMommyTTC★★★ • Jul 21, 2018
Oh n my string is alil too long so my husband feels it at times