Just need to vent.

I’m a first time SAHM to a beautiful little 11 week old boy. I love him more than anything and anyone in the world. I love taking care of him. But I’m struggling. My husband is gone at work from 5am until 6-7 ish every single day except Sunday. In fact since he went back to work after baby, hes worked 6 days a week every week and has missed so much of our sons life. It makes me so sad. And a little resentful which I know is wrong. I know he’s working to support us. But it’s just not easy sometimes. I know it’ll get better. I just wish I had someone to bounce ideas off of and make decisions with. Our son is seriously struggling with tummy time and it’s all my fault. He went through a period between weeks like 4-8 where he just cried nonstop unless he was eating, being changed, or sleeping. And it was so hard. I kept forgetting about tummy time and I feel like I’ve done him such a disservice that I’m working on fixing it but I just feel like I failed. I stay on top of everything with my son. My husband has done zero reading on anything with him and because he’s never around him, he doesn’t really know what to do. I’ve had to figure it all out on my own. We have no help from family. Which is hard. I don’t have a ton of friends let alone friends with babies. And I just feel like a failure most days. Idk how single parents do it. I’m so appreciative of my husband for working. Please don’t think I’m not. I just wish he actively participated. It’s just so frustrating. Sorry to sound like such a grump and be negative. I just needed to get it out before I have a breakdown.