My Labour and Delivery Story.....👎🏻😫🤭

Samantha • 31 - Wife💍 - Melody🎀7/19/18 - Watson💙12/07/2020

Well we just had our baby girl July 19th 2018 at 6:42pm ! She weighed 9lbs 9.5oz and is 21 inches long !!

Here is our little birth story..

We went in Wednesday for a check up, and my doctor ended up inducing me that day, due to me being 41 weeks and because little Melody wouldn’t engage in my pelvis. She was just floating there and changing position. So they induced me, she flipped back and forth for 36 hours. I finally dilated to an 8 and she became engaged, at about 12pm Thursday afternoon, which we were all excited about because csection was on the table if things didn’t progress. Well didn’t my doctor come check me at 3pm and she had disengaged and flipped sideways. I started crying, we needed a csection.

So I was scheduled for a csection that day at 6pm. I was freaking out, this was not how I wanted this to go AT ALL. They came and got me and my husband at 5:45pm, wheeled me into the OR and that’s when this just got even worse for me. This csection was THE MOST HORRIBLE experience of my life. I screamed and cried in the operating room, it was SO MUCH pressure, and it all felt so weird. After what felt like forever, the surgeon was finally able to pull Melody out SIDEWAYS because she had flipped even more. We heard her little cry, and that’s when our lives changed! ❤️

I went through a HELL labour and delivery, and it was my first lol. I’m in a lot of pain healing. My insides are destroyed from her, and my uterus is all the way on my right side. I was also told I have CPD, Cephalopelvic disproportion, and may not be able to carry another baby, but she’s PERFECT and I am so madly in love with her! ❤️