finally here...kind of long story


I swear every day past your due date is so annoying🙄 and the last part of my pregnancy was a roller coaster for me.

At my 38 week appointment they discovered my baby was still breech, which I guess is common for second babies. instead of going to my normal 39 week appointment, we decided to try to get the baby to turn instead to try and avoid a c-section of it didn't work we were going to get a c-section within two days of that appointment because I was getting too close to my due date. we went to the hospital not know what to expect, the did an ultrasound and she turned on her own! oh I was so happy. I was terrified of the procedure to have her get turned. so then I went to my 40 week appointment and I was 2cm dialated but my cervix was still really high but it is my second baby so things can happen fast. I was due Friday the 13th my doctor expected me to deliver over the weekend but scheduled me an appointment on the 18th just incase the weekend came and went and nothing. I went to my appointment and I didnt progress at all. so I was scheduled to be induced Friday the 20th. I was super nervous of the process and how long it would take because my cervix was really high. so we checked into the hospital at 7am on Monday and my doctor came in at 8 and said I was about 2-3cm so he ruptured my membranes. he had to leave, but his wife is also an ob at the same hospital and she was all call for the weekend so she came in at noon and checked me and I progressed to about 3-4cm so she broke my water. that was probably the weirdest and most awkward experience. I apparantly had a lot of fluid and I honestly couldn't tell if I was peeing myself of if more water was just leaking for a solid hour after she broke it. at about 1:30 I was hooked up to pitocin. I wanted to hold off the epidural until I was 6cm but about 2:30pm I couldn't stand them anymore, I was only 4cm and I couldn't wait any longer. my contractions were intense and 2 minutes apart. while I was waiting for the epidural they got closer to a minute apart and I was dying for the relief. I finally got it put in about 3:30pm and it was wonderful. I was checked again at 5:15 and I was at an 8 so at an 6:15 they checked and I was complete. we started pushing and they called my doctor even though he wasnt on call he back in to deliver my baby. Maya McKenna was born on 7/20 at 8:26pm weighing 9lbs 2oz and 20 inches long. I managed not to tear.