feeling like this is an impossibility

Jamie • Happily married to my soul mate since 2010, together since 2008. RSD Warrior since 08, 1 month after meeting my husband. He has supported me during each part of this evil disease. We have 3 dogs smallest is 75lbs and a 10oz Conure parrot who is the boss.

I have been pregnant twice. 10 years apart. the first time was due to birth control failing. The second was the first month we decided to try for a baby. I have a incurable disease. I literally rolled my ankle and ended up in a wheelchair. us getting pregnant the first month we tried was the only time in 10 years I didn't feel like my body was made to fail at everything. I (we) didnt even get the excitement of the positive test because I got a false negative. But I knew I was pregnant.. i knew it with my body and soul. I'm on fewer meds than I've been on since I was diagnosed with this Bi*$! of a disease. I've spent years in a wheelchair. and currently spend about 3 months a year in one if it's a good year. why did I get pregnant the first month we tried just to lose my baby. its been 6 months and nothing. my period has been late up to weeks the last 2 months, and I'm the girl with the perfect 28-29 max cycle. but 6 months after my first period after our miscarriage and nothing. I accepted long ago my body doesnt work, it's true, my sympathetic and autonomic nervous system are duds. I know many others have tried longer and will see my 6 months as nothing but it took 10 years to get to a low enough dose to get pregnant and have a chance. winter will come and key kedsnwill go up, unless I'm pregnant because the one andbonly thing doctors have found that puts my disease in remission, is pregnancy. just needed to vent to be angry that I got pregnant the very first time we tried only to lose our child. I feel like there is no hope. my body after years of dance failed completely at a normal rolled ankle, yes a few broken bones but nothing serious. it just seems like my whole body is defective. including the one part that was normal for years.