My 4 month old hates to bend @ the waist..?

Whitney • New Squishy Coming 2/28/18...🎀Evalina LaDonna 2/24/16 🎀....✨Angels: Zander 6M, Journey 3M

My 4 month old hated to bend at the waist. When being held he is almost always either in regular cradle position while getting the boob, or he prefers to be on his knees on my lap.

If I’m walking around I hold him in one arm kind of like he’s sitting on my arm and his arm is partially around the back of my shoulder blade. And I hold him with the other hand for stability.

I have learned my lesson with not because this squirt is a turd and likes to throw himself back occasionally.

He’s done Tummy time since 4 weeks and rolled over since then as well. He doesn’t do it often, but I know he can do it. Physically he’s healthy weight and height wise.

He was full term, and makes great eye contact, responds to other things. Generally is a super happy good baby

Has anyone had experience with why their kiddo wouldn’t bend in the middle with ease? His ped at his last check up said oh, that is really weird.... when she noticed it while checking him out. But she said just make sure he gets better with it than worse... so far no progress.... she just recommended maybe MORE tummy time would help strengthen more muscles? Or he’s just stubborn.....?