Getting 14 month old to eat more solids


My 14 month old is a great eater in that he’s not picky about taste. However, he is still temperamental about texture. He prefers puréed meals or pouches. He is fine with crunchy textures like crackers and wafers. I can get him to pick at small pieces of chicken, beans and rice but he throws more on the floor than he eats. He won’t eat enough of anything besides purees and yogurt to make it a meal. He has 10 teeth and several more are coming in so I feel like he should be ready to eat solid food (full) meals. Does/did anyone else have this issue? Does anyone have recommendations?

*One thing I forgot to mention is that he gags and looks scared when certain things touch his throat. He doesn’t like chunks. We have to make sure pieces are very tiny or he gets scared. That’s the biggest thing causing issues with getting him to eat full meals of regular solid food (not puréed).