Bad period cramps vs iud insertion pain



I am getting an iud and am a little nervous of the pain, I have horrible horrible period cramps that make me throw up and faint, is the insertion pain like a period cramp? For the girls that have horrible cramps is the iud insertion less painful than intense period cramp? What kind of pain is the insertion? Just looking for some ease

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I had the Kyleena iud inserted a few months ago and all I felt was the numbing stick go in. It hurt but nothing like my normal period cramps. I couldn’t even feel the actual iud. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. But everyone is different!


Samantha • Jul 24, 2018
Kyleena didn’t hurt half as bad as paragard


Alice • Jul 24, 2018
I wish mine went like this


Posted at
it was like the most intense cramps I've ever felt which for me is like being on the floor not able to move. I had shooting and cramping pains through my vagina, ass and halfway down my thighs. but they had to dilate my cervix. it went away after she placed the IUD. I was able to walk out of the office just fine. I got cramps everyday for the first week, Intense ones. I used a heating pad and took ibuprofen. then I started bleeding a few days ago, on the second week of having it but the cramps have gone down by 80%


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I wish I could say my insertion was easy but after mine I had to lay in a fetal position in 2 blankets on the table/bed for 2 hours. They confirmed it was in place with an ultrasound, my Gyno’s reaction seemed like that sorta thing doesn’t happen often, I think my body was just in shock. I couldn’t stand up without almost passing out, I was sweating from pain but super super cold. It was probably the worst pain I’ve ever felt but it was so worth it to me. I have PCOS and it’s helped a ton with my mood swings and PMS symptoms. My hunger levels have gone down and I’m overall happier. After about 4 hours the cramping/pain had gone down to feeling like peak period pain and a couple days later I was perfectly fine and haven’t had any problems(it’s been about 6 months) I did however, spot for about 2 weeks after.


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Everybody is different. I got mirena and did not even feel it.


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I wish I could say I have a non-horror story but my insertion was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life and for over 20 minutes I couldn’t talk, could barely breathe because I didn’t want to move because it hurt, and I just laid there on the table with tears streaming down my face. And that was after taking 4 ibuprofen beforehand. It felt like someone was trying to slice me open with a razor blade from inside my uterus.I’ve had mine in for about 18 months now and my periods since have been ten times more painful, several days longer, crippling cramps on day 2, and random horrible cramps and blasting all throughout the month. I want to get it removed but I’ve yet to find a doctor who will put me under to do it. I’m terrified of feeling that kind of pain again and I will never again get an IUD.


Alice • Jul 24, 2018
I’m so sorry to hear that, I just got it and it was horrible but I actually got contractions that were 1-2 mins apart right after the procedure the doctor said my uterus was probably trying to push it out, the contractions were extremely painful and I was faint and nausea and had to leave 30 Mins later in a wheel chair bc I couldn’t stand for more than a minute


Shae • Jul 24, 2018
*bloating not blasting


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I have HORRIBLE period cramps and when I went in to just get information about the iud my doctor told me that she could do it that day. My mom gave me some strong pain pills and I was also just getting off my period so my cervix was open. 15 minutes later I had my iud. I didn’t feel anything except for the numbing. I had an amazing experience and afterwards it just felt like period cramps. People have horror stories about IUD insertions but mine was great, it just depends.


Alice • Jul 23, 2018
Thank you the non horror stories give me some hope


Posted at
When I got the copper iud, it was very intense cramping for the first 8-12 hours but after that it was okay. And I was able to sleep with a heating pad. When I got the kyleena, it’s smaller and has the least amount of hormones, that one I felt slight cramping but not terrible


Samantha • Jul 22, 2018
It was very intense for me. It was like period cramps all over. I felt it in my thighs back butt vagina, everywhere was cramping, sharp pains. But take 800 mg of Motrin 30 min before hand and it should help. And a heating pad! And make sure it’s a day you don’t have to do much.


Alice • Jul 22, 2018
Is the cramping like period cramps? Or is it a different cramp sensation? And thank you