July 18, 2018


My world changed. Tuesday at 12 am my contractions started 5 min apart, called the hospital around 3 am , they told me not to come in unless they are 3 min apart. i waited, and waited.. nothing. that morning around 8 am they stopped and started to stable off. went to my OB appointment at 10am and everything went good. Ask the dr when she thought i was gonna have my sweet boy and she said very soon. That day the contractions weren’t consistent. So around 7 pm i got in the pool, tried to get these contractions to start and surely they did! 4 min apart. so i went ahead got my bags together and me and my SO left to go to the hospital around 9pm .. we got there at 9:30pm i was 2 cm dilated 90% effaced. The dr told me to walk around the hospital for 2 hours and see if it helps me dilate more. came back around 12 i was 3 cm dilated still 90% effaced. so the dr said i can give you two more hours but if it’s still at 3, you can go home. Walked around some more (by the way i was SO tired because i hadn’t slept from the night before and the contractions were getting worse and worse. well nothing changed in 2 hours being 2am. the dr said to go home and the nurse asked if i’d like pain medicine to help at home i said yes and she came back and said well we can give you a morphine shot but you’d have to stay for 4 hours. i said yes because i was in a lot of pain already and wanted to be monitored closely. As soon as i got the shot, my water broke ! So i got admitted ! well labor got SO much worse. i went from a 3 to a 6. and couldn’t get the epidural because the anastesiologist was in a c section. finally i got one and after 11 hours of labor and 30 min of pushing. My first baby was born. 7 pounds exactly , 21 and a half inches long. He’s the most beautiful thing i’ve ever laid eyes on and i just love him so much. and his father has been the best thing for us and how much support he’s givin us. i’m so so thankful and i love my little family so much 💙