I feel like my husband doesn't give a damn

And when I speak to him about it, he doesn't care and he just tells me I'm making him out to he a bad guy. We had a huge fight last night about it.

For example, tonight I was letting the dogs out for their final business when a dog ran past the gate, making my dogs go absolutely mad. He was in the bathroom (with windows facing the front garden where I was). Do you think he was even bothered to open the window and ask if everything was OK?

On Friday I called him from the car when I got cut off. I didn't phone him back because I assumed I ran out of airtime, so I phoned when I was at my destination (about 20 minutes later). Do you think he even bothered to call me back? For all he knows I could have been robbed or something.

When I told him I feel like he doesn't help me in the evenings, he tells me I need to prepare better. We both work full time jobs, I work from home though so I try run the household while doing my job. He basically tells me he's too tired in the evening to help because he's been at work all day. Excuse me, what do I do? He's putting his tiredness above mine. I multitask like a beast all day to make sure everything is clean, my work is done and supper is basically ready by the time he gets home. We have a LOT of pets and he used to at least feed the cats but he doesn't even do that anymore. He gets home, gets changed and sits on his phone.

Even in the weekend, I cook and clean and do laundry and and and. He will help with minor things. Like he said he'd make breakfast today. He got so far as putting the eggs in then went to do something else.

I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, I live with anemia and chronic fatigue and well as pain EVERYDAY but he's the one who is tired, even though I practically wait on him hand and foot when he's home.

I just feel he's become incredibly lazy and so disinterested in stuff.