My Birth Story (Long Read, some TMI)


I've posted a few times about things going on as I neared the end of my pregnancy (losing my mucus plug, contractions, etc) & after 9 long months & seeing everyone post about their babies being born, I finally get to share mine!

On Saturday, June 30th after midnight (40 weeks & 3 days), I started losing my mucus plug. I went to the bathroom, came back to lay in bed with my husband & my back was hurting. So I pulled my leg up to try to get comfy when my knee hit something cold. I put my hand down on my bed & I picked up a small, goopy thing. It was clear with white strings in it. I was confused at first because like, how did it get on my bed lol? So I went to look at it in the light to get a better look & I put my hands down my shorts to check if there was more & I got a smaller piece. I went outside to sit for a few minutes, then I had the urge to poop. (I've had to go more frequently 4 weeks prior). I went in, pulled my shorts down (I wasn't wearing underwear because who does lol?) & I had some on my shorts. When I wiped, there wasn't anything there. I've had constant Braxton Hicks & I noticed two within 10 minutes. At first I thought they were real, but I knew they couldn't be because it was only the top that got hard, not underneath or my sides (underneath was slightly hard, but not enough to me to constitute as real contractions. I had back pain half the night til I finally passed out. I woke up around 8:45 AM having to pee, when I wiped, I got a big glob of mucus. I went back to bed & my husband looked at me with one eye & I said "we're on baby watch a little more now." I told him I lost part of my plug & he looked at me with big eyes & a huge smile. At this time, I was 3 days past my due date.

On July 1st, we went swimming at a natural spring. After I got out & sat for a few minutes, I started getting contractions. They were slightly painful, but I didn't really think much of it. We were 45 minutes away from home, so during the ride home, I started having more contractions, they were painful & 8-10 minutes apart starting at 7 PM. It was back pain that got me noticing something was different, then having pan in my lower belly. Around 11 PM, I called the triage & they said it sounded like I was in early labor & to keep track of them. If they got to 5 minutes apart for two hours, to call them & come in. Around 5:30 AM on July 2nd, woke up in a contraction & stayed up til 7:30 AM still having them 10 minutes apart. I woke up around 9-9:30 AM with another one & continued tracking them. They slowed down to one or two every hour (that I noticed). I had one at 10:27 AM, 11:23 AM, & 12:57 PM. During all of this, I was still losing my mucus plug. I had an appointment that day, but they called to reschedule because the doctor I was seeing had an emergency surgery, so they scheduled me for the next day.

July 3rd, I went for my appointment around 10 AM. I told her about the contractions & losing my plug. When she did the exam, I was 3 cm, 50% effaced -1. (From 36-39 weeks, I was 1 cm & 30%-50% effaced, -2). I was so happy! I wanted my body to do what it was supposed to do, that way I didn't have to be induced again & my body decided to cooperate with me! She also swept my membranes to try to get me moving along a bit faster on my own. They set an induction date for July 6th at 6 AM just in case I didn't go on my own.

Later on that day, I started getting contractions again. We timed them & they were between 8-10 minutes apart to start with, then they went to 5-7 minutes & eventually, 3-5 & getting more painful with each one. We were at my moms spending the day so around 10 or so at night, we decided to go home so I could try to get some sleep in case I had to go in. That didn't last long at all. I kept having the contractions consistently 3-5 minutes apart for 2 hours, so I called the triage. I told them what was happening & they told me it sounded like I was in active labor & to gather my things to come in. I woke my husband up & he jumped up like a spring chicken haha.

We arrived at the hospital at 2 AM on July 4th. After getting IVs, having the baby's heart monitored & my BP checked, they did an exam. I was 4 cm & 75% effaced. They let me sit for about an hour to monitor the baby's heartbeat then let me walk. I paced the halls with my husband by my side. They brought me back in at 4 AM to do another check & I was 6 cm! I was ecstatic! They said I could get the epidural anytime I wanted. I opted to go as long as I could without one. They wanted me to do some leg thrusts & bounce on a ball to get the "lip" of my cervix thinned out, so I did that for about 20 minutes, then decided to walk again. They contractions were getting worse & I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I paced the halls for about an hour or so & as the contractions got worse, my husband said that maybe I should get the epidural. I decided I'd let the doctors check me to see how dilated I was, then go from there. About 6 AM, they checked me & I was at 7 cm, close to being 8 cm. They asked me if I wanted to continue walking or if I wanted the epidural. I chose to get the epidural so I could possibly try to get some rest, as I've been up over 24 hours now.

I got the epidural & tried my best to relax. After it was in, they did the catheter (it didn't necessarily hurt, but it burned!) I asked if it was normal to feel my vagina & they said yes, the epidural was just to ease the pain of the contractions. I wanted to die! I didn't wanna feel none of it lol! After 2 hours (8 AM), they came in to check me & I was still at 7 cm, almost 8 cm, so they said they were gonna put some pitocin in to help move things along.

They checked on & off for 2 hours making sure I didn't need anything & everything was okay with me & baby. I told them I had a lot of pressure, but not enough to feel the need to push. They told me to let them know when I felt I needed to push & they would check me. Maybe 30-45 minutes later, I had my husband go get them because I kept clenching my legs together (as if that was gonna stop the pressure lol). They checked me & I was ready to push! They brought in the cart with all the instruments, lowered the bed, got his little bed ready, & had everyone in position. I had my husband on my left & my mom on my right, both holding my legs, with two nurses beside them holding me up as I pushed.

After 20-25 minutes of pushing, my beautiful baby boy was born on July 4, 2018 at 11:24 AM at 7 lbs, 8 oz & 20 inches long!

I didn't tear or have to get an episiotomy. 30 minutes to an hour after giving birth, I was up & walking. I didn't have much pressure at all, either. Still almost 3 weeks later, I've still had no pain or pressure down there, which is awesome. With my first, they cut me & I couldn't walk well for 2-3 weeks without feeling like I was leaving my lady bits behind haha. If I have anymore children (which I'd like 1-2 more), I hope they're as easy as this one was.