am i wrong?

so it’s just me and my mom in my house, i do basically everything, i take the garbage out, do all the laundry, wash all the dishes, sweep, everything! and i’m the cook of the house. she basically spends her whole summer outside sitting on the step. she gets snappy with me whenever i ask a question, like today for example, it is 34° Celsius, witch is HOT in canada, she picked me up from my grandparents house (that she made me stay at the night before because she needed a break from me) and i asked if we could go to the beach today, and she started yelling at me saying that i never appreciate anything and that she does everything and how i should be ashamed of myself for asking to do something. and that she isnt the only parent that i have. my dad is a complete jackass and doesn’t live with us. he does drugs and sells them, and is never home when i go to visit, but then gets mad when i don’t visit him?!? yesterday was my birthday and he didn’t even call and wish me happy birthday. i cried a lot yesterday. i completely get that it’s her house, her rules, but it makes me angry because i’m constantly doing everything and she doesn’t even say thank you. we live in the middle of nowhere and i have no friends out here because they all live 20 minutes away (because we live in the middle of nowhere witch i hate!!) and she always tells me to go make plans cause she needs a break from me but when i make them she wont drive me over. i made her a brownie one time and brought it in to her room and she said “ i know you only made it because you want to make yourself one” and i almost cried. i’m very depressed and have really bad anxiety, and she knows that i used to cut myself, but she didn’t even find out herself or saw them before. she found out from my school therapist. and when we were in the car heading home, she told me that i should just be happy to be alive and that she needs to worry about herself before me and for me to just fuck off. she doesn’t pay any attention to my life at all.

am i wrong for feeling this way? idk what to do.