do you call/txt your partner during breaks?

my husband used to always call/txt me on his breaks, because he says its important, and he just wants me to know that he isnt cheating on me. even when i never accuse him of cheating or have any trust issues w him. but hes doing it because of past experience w cheating. and he wants to make me feel special because he says most ppl are dying for their spouse to call/txt them during their break time. but after he started a new job, no more calls/txts. he says the new job he has now is not at all strict w them using phones, like his old one. that they basically just hangout most of the time. he told me that when he was still at his old job, he was talking on the phone w someone to have the motivation to work, and he got in trouble w his boss. like wth would make him have thae motivation to work besides his wife? im sure guys dont do this to each other. i feel like hes purposely doing this to show me that hes cheating, im not important and special to him anymore. what do u think? i wouldnt mind, but his perspective about it makes me mind.