
My baby is dairy intolerant. It has been almost three weeks since I have cut dairy out of my diet. It’s hard but I decided to do it so I could continue breast feeding. But then he began screaming at my breast so I decided to try a soy based formula and see if it helped. Turns out that he had an even worse reaction to the soy and had explosive super runny and green poops and was a horror to deal with. So now I am trying to cut out soy as well. I got a hypoallergenic formula for now until I can get the dairy and soy out of my system. He is loving it! And eating more and just acting happier. I, on the other hand, am having a hard time realizing that I can no longer eat a lot of my favorite things. I am honestly feeling like giving up and just continuing with this formula. I want to eat! Let me hear your opinions. Because I know that breast milk is best, but I was formula fed and I think I turned out ok... lol.