Here’s to hoping🤞🏻👏🏻

Jacey • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl👶🏻🎀 and a handsome baby boy 👶🏻💙 An Angel baby 👼🏻 & TTC # 4

Me and my boyfriend decided to start ttc baby #2. With my first it took about 2 months, so I figured it would take just as long if not longer this time. Well I should be about 6-7 DPO and I’m hoping this will be our month, but if not that’s ok. I’m waiting to see if AF shows or not up to test. Well, my boyfriend never takes naps, but yesterday and today he has literally slept almost all day long and seems to have little to no energy. It’s very unlike him. Then my little girl has been picking up my shirt when it’s time to go to sleep the past two nights and gives my tummy kisses. She’s only 10 months old and has never seen anyone do this either. She has just recently began doing this the past two nights. Lastly, each morning I have one cup of coffee. Normally it doesn’t bother me, but the past two mornings it has given me the worst heartburn. So bad that I had to take an antacid so it would subside. The last time coffee messed with me that way was when I was pregnant with my daughter. Like I said these things are really odd and I really hope I am pregnant this month, but if not no biggie. Just means we can keep trying lol. What do you ladies think?