I got my chance ❤️


there was a food truck festival in downtown that a friend and I went to together. I called my boyfriend and asked if he wanted to go. He said "I'm already there! over by the water fountain behind the police cars." so I went searching for him. when I saw him he was just sitting criss cross in the grass. no big deal really. His friend Adam was with him. A guy I've had as a good friend since high school too. I gave my boyfriend his anniversary gift which was a Cadillac phone case. ((he OBSESSED with Cadillacs)) and he digs in his backpack and hands me a card. the envelope looks like it's seen better days.

So I'm like thinking how cute he got me a card. so I go open it and it says too my wife at the top and I got really confused. He knows I love food so I thought the card was great already without reading it lol. but I read it out loud to him, my friend, and his friend. Not realizing that on the other side of the card, he's on one knee. I opened the card all the way and the ring was taped inside the card.

∆∆front of card∆∆

∆inside page∆

∆middle page the ring was taped on∆

now I know it's not a glitter and unicorn fairy tale proposal. But the ring is absolutely gorgeous and I don't even want to know the cost of it. I've been with this man through homelessness. loosing our cars, 1 miscarriage and the death of my service dog. we are only 20 and 21 years old. we have been through so much. I couldn't ask for a better man.

here's my ring!!